Drop Down Special NSF

FlashBack NSF 2011


Nursing Nursing Debate adalah kompetisi debat menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang diikuti mahasiswa keperawatan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, kemampuan kognitif, afektif serta jiwa kepemimpinan untuk menunjukan aspirasi sebagai sarana untuk beradu argumentasi antar mahasiswa keperawatan.
Tema                                      : Be a Critical Nurse with Caring Angel
Tanggal Pelaksanaan            : Sabtu, 6 Oktober 2012
Tanggal pendaftaran            : 3 Juli – 1 September 2012

Ketentuan Peserta       :
1.      Peserta adalah mahasiswa keperawatan S1 se-Indonesia, semester 3-7 pada bulan Oktober 2012.
2.      Kompetisi “Nursing Nursing Debate” ini bersifat tim/kelompok, dalam 1 tim terdiri dari 2 orang mahasiswa.
3.      Dalam satu kelompok boleh berasal dari angkatan yang berbeda atau sama, namun masih dalam satu institusi.

Alur Pendaftaran      
1.      Setiap peserta wajib mendownload formulir pendaftaran di www.himkajayagenerasiplatinum.blogspot.com 
2.      Pendaftaran dan pembayaran :
a.       Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran melalui rekening bank no rekeninig :144-00-1199915-5 bank mandiri kk Malang Univ. Brawijaya atas nama NUNING KHUROTUL AF'IDA.
b.      Pada slip setoran dicantumkan “Pendaftaran Nursing Debate NSF 2012 FKUB UNIV. BRAWIJAYA”
c.       Scan bukti transfer biaya pendaftaran.
d.      Isi dan lengkapi formulir pendaftaran.
e.       Kirim melalui e-mail nsf_ub@yahoo.com : Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi, scan bukti pembayaran dan softcopy foto berwarna background merah ukuran 3 x 4 (1 buah)/orang masing-masing anggota tim dan  dijadikan dalam satu file.
f.       Konfirmasi ke contact person setelah mengirim email.
g.      Contact person yang bersangkutan akan memberikan nomor registrasi dan peraturan Lomba Nursing Debate.

Kelengkapan administratif (dibawa pada saat hadir di tempat lomba) :
1.       Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa 1 lembar dengan menunjukkan KTM asli (masing-masing anggota tim).
2.       Pas foto warna background merah dengan memakai jas almamater ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2  lembar (masing-masing anggota tim).
3.       Menunjukkan bukti pembayaran asli dari bank.
4.       Printout formulir pendaftaran yang sudah di isi.
5.       Kelengkapan administratif beserta nomor peserta dimasukkan dalam map plastik warna merah.

Pendaftaran dan pembayaran
3 Juli – 1 September 2012
Pelaksanaan Lomba Nursing Debate:
a.       Babak Penyisihan, Babak  Semifinal dan Final

6 Oktober 2012

 I.      GENERAL
1.      This set of rules and regulations of Nursing Nursing Debate Competition 2012 hosted by Nursing Departemen of Medical Faculty of University of Brawijaya, Malang, on October 5th –October 6th 2012.
2.      The tournament will be using British Parliamentary format
3.      There is no N-1 Policy (no adjudicator needed)
4.      The A-core (Chief of adjudicator and deputies) has full authority regarding the interpretation and modification, if necessary of these rules (if not stated on the  constitution). The decisions of the A-core with respect to these rules will be final and binding

1.      The competitors are eligible to participate in this competition, if and only enrolled as full time students in the represented university/school, proved by student ID or official letter from their institution.
2.      Each team complete will consist of two members.
3.      The registration will be close if the quotes is 16 team
4.      The Committee reserves the rights to investigate the legitimacy of any persons participating in the competition.

The Nursing Nursing Debate 2012 will be conducted in 1 phase:
The Elimination Round which consist of round preliminary, semifinal, and final.

1)      The  Nursing Debate  will  consist  of  four  teams  of  two  persons  (persons  will  be  known  as "members"),  a  chairperson  (known  as  the  "Speaker  of  the  House"  or "Mister/Madame Speaker" and an adjudicator or panel of adjudicators.
2)      Teams will consist of the following members:
3)      Members will deliver substantive speeches in the following order:
a.       Prime Minister;
b.      Opposition Leader;
c.       Deputy Prime Minister;
d.      Deputy Opposition Leader;
e.       Member for the Government;
f.       Member for the Opposition;
g.      Government Whip;
h.      Opposition Whip.

·         Opening Government:
" Prime Minister" or "First Government member" and " Deputy Prime Minister" or "Second Government member";
·         Opening Opposition:
" Leader of the Opposition" or "First Opposition member" and " Deputy Leader of the Opposition" or "Second Opposition member";
·         Closing Government:
" Member for the Government" or "Third Government member" and " Government Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member";
·         Closing Opposition:
" Member for the Opposition" or "Third Opposition member" and " Opposition Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member".
4)      Members will deliver a substantive speech of seven minutes (7 minutes) duration and should offer points of information while members of the opposing teams are speaking.


1.      Speeches  should  be  seven  minutes  in  duration  (this  should  be  signaled  by  two strikes  of  the  gavel).  Speeches  over  seven  minutes  and  15  seconds  may  be penalized.
2.      Points of Information may only be offered between the first minute mark and the six minute mark of the speech (this period should be signaled by one strike of the gavel at the first minute and one strike at the sixth minute).
3.      It is the duty of the Speaker of the House to time speeches.
4.      In  the  absence  of  the  Speaker  of  the  House,  it  is  the  duty  of  the  Chair  of  the Adjudication panel to ensure that speeches are timed.

1.      The Nursing Debate should commence 15 minutes after the motion is announced.
2.      Teams  should  arrive  at  their  Nursing Debate  within  five  minutes  of  the  scheduled  starting time for that Nursing Debate.
3.      Members  are  permitted  to  use  printed  or  written  material  during  preparation  and during the Nursing Debate. Printed material includes  books, journals, newspapers and other similar materials. The use of electronic equipment is prohibited during preparation and in the Nursing Debate.


1.      Points  of  Information  (questions  directed  to  the  member  speaking)  may  be  asked between  first  minute (1st minute)  mark  and  the  six-minute (6th minute)mark of the members’ speeches (speeches are of seven minutes duration).
2.      To ask a Point of Information, a member should stand, place one hand on his or her head  and  extend  the  other  towards  the  member  speaking.  The  member  may announce that they would like to ask a "Point of Information" or use other words to this effect.
3.      The  member  who  is  speaking  may  accept  or  decline  to  answer  the  Point  of Information.
4.      Points of Information should not exceed 15 seconds in length.
5.      The member who is speaking may ask the person offering the Point of Information to  sit  down  where  the  offeror  has  had  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  be  heard  and understood.
6.      Members  should  attempt  to  answer  at  least  two  Points  of  Information  during  their speech. Members should also offer Points of Information.
7.      Points  of  Information  should  be  assessed  in  accordance  with  clause  of  these rules.
8.      Points of Order and Points of Personal Privilege are not permitted.


1.      The  Nursing Debate  should  be  adjudicated  by  a  panel  of  at  least  two  adjudicators,  where this is possible.
2.      At the  conclusion of the Nursing Debate, the adjudicators should confer and rank the teams, from first placed to last place.
3.      There will be verbal adjudication of the Nursing Debate after the first six preliminary rounds of the tournament. The verbal adjudication should be delivered in accordance with clause of these rules.
4.      The decisions of the adjudicators shall be final and binding.

1.      Any complaints or concerns on any technical aspect of the tournament should be communicated as soon as possible to the A-core.
2.      The decision of the A-core in respect of any dispute during the competition shall be final.

·         The motion should be unambiguously worded.
·         The members should Nursing Debate the motion in the spirit of the motion and the tournament.
·         The motion that use from the preliminary until semifinal is the general issues in nursing
·         The motion for the final is mental health nursing

The reward will give to 3 winner :
Juara 1  : Rp.1.500.000,- + Sertifikat + Trophy
Juara 2 : Rp.1.000.000,- + Sertifikat + Trophy
Juara 3 : Rp.750.000,- + Sertifikat + Trophy       

Contact person:
Pendaftaran → Afrida 085649519661
Nursing Debate → Citra 085749082633
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